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Unknown Ethiopian Artist

Feeding the Five Thousand | Sacred Art Meditations

Christ's Calla to Love Podcasts

An important objective of our project is to discover how we can make Christ's Call to Love a part of our lives and how we can become Good Samaritans in our community. To help us, Father Evan Armatas and Ancient Faith Radio ( have graciously agreed to record a series of podcasts that explore the differing perspectives of Christ Call to Love: Becoming a Good Samaritan. We pray these podcasts will touch your heart. The podcasts can also be found on Ancient Faith Radio's website under 'Orthodoxy Live.'

Fr. David Thatcher Interview for The Good Samaritan Project-
00:00 / 42:17

Father David Thatcher, pastor of Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Church, discuss Christ's Call to Love: The Church as a Hospital & Christ's self-emptying Love.

Fr. Stephan Close & Dn John Bourquin
00:00 / 30:49

Father Stephan Close and Dn. John Bourquin, of St. Luke's Orthodox Church, discuss Christ's Call to Love: putting the call into personal action.

Matt Wallace, Ex. Dir Dry Bones
00:00 / 35:02

Matt Wallace, Executive Director of Dry Bones Denver, discussed taking Christ's Call to Love to the homeless youth of Denver, CO.

Nicole Tschetter, Den Rescue Mission
00:00 / 36:58

Nicole Tschetter, Director Public Relations of the Denver Rescue Mission, discusses taking Christ's Call to Love to the homeless of Denver, CO.

Interview with Fr. Theodore Dorrance
00:00 / 33:51

Father Theodore Dorrance of St. Catherine's Orthodox Church discusses how a parish can become engaged with Christ's Call to Help the Poor.

More Podcasts are coming soon!

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