The Rocky Mountain Orthodox Clergy Brotherhood
Christ's Call to Love
Retreat: Being a Good Samaritan: Why We Serve with Adn. Paul Zaharas
Sat, Sep 28
|St. Catherine Greek Orthodox Church
Adn. Paul will explore with us the links between the teachings of the Church; why we find it difficult to serve others; and identify practical steps we can take to transform our intentions into actions.
Time & Location
Sep 28, 2024, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM MDT
St. Catherine Greek Orthodox Church, 5555 S Yosemite St, Greenwood Village, CO 80111, USA
About the Event
We are delighted to invite you to our 3rd annual retreat featuring a speaker well-known to many of us – Archdeacon Paul Zarharas. Dn. Paul is the U.S. Country Representative of IOCC (International Orthodox Christian Charities). He will share with us why we are called to serve and how we can turn our best intentions to serve into action. The retreat will be interactive and include open discussion with those participating and Adn. Paul.
Dn. Paul is one of our own, having been born and raised in Wyoming. He graduated from Holy Cross Seminary and served as Metropolitan ISAIAH's deacon and Chancelor for the Metropolis of Denver. He now serves as IOCC's U.S. Country Representative. As the U.S. Country Representative, Dn. Paul overseas IOCC's Homefront training for parishes, emotional and spiritual care from IOCC's Frontliners, and Action Team volunteers who serve in emergency response and long-term recovery efforts.
Retreat Schedule
9:00 Meet & Greet with Adn. Paul
9:30 Morning Prayers
10:00 Introductions
10:15 Session 1: Why We Serve
11:15 IOCC Service Project
12:00 Lunch
12:45 Session 2: Intentions Into Actions
1:45 Break
2:00 Session 3: Q&A with Fr. Theodore Dorrance
3:00 Vespers
3:45 Adjourn
Please contact Dn. Mark O'Dell at dnmarkodell@hotmail.com.
There is no cost for the retreat, or for lunch. Free-will offerings will be accepted.